The external shape of paper dollar constantly changed. He received the modern look in 1928 when for one-dollar and other banknotes the design offered by the gifted artist, teosofy, by the emigrant from Russia Sergey Makronovsky (Kerikh) was accepted. It arranged on one of the parties of a dollar piece of paper elements of the Big press (the state emblem) the USA (it is developed according to the project of the secretary of the Congress C.Thomson with the assistance of the expert in U.Barton's heraldry and is founded in June, 1782)... a sea eagle with an olive branch with thirteen olives in the right paw and a bunch from thirteen arrows in left, and also the image of an incomplete trinadtsatistupenchaty pyramid over which in a being shone triangle the Foresight eye is placed. The sea eagle and now is widely used as an official logo, and a pyramid you will find only on one-dollar pieces of paper which make 45 % from total amount of the American money printed for today. The consensus how there was a dollar sign, doesn't exist. A number of researchers considers that when Spaniards took out gold from the American colonies in cast whetstones, they put on them a sign S (on an initial letter of the country - Spain). After arrival of ingots in Spain on them put vertical line, and when sending to colonies - one more. Others argue that the way to a badge of dollar was such: the word "peso" reduced to a letter P, to its right top part added a small letter s - it pointed to plural. Gradually from R began to leave one vertical stick and on it wrote S.
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