Monday, September 3, 2012

World currency dollar.

Experience of formation of leading world currency - dollar testifies that the international recognition of this national currency received as a result of internationalization of its use in functions of world money. In its number: an international measure of value in the international trading, credit and financial operations; the international instrument of payment in international payments on trade and in the international currency, credit, financial transactions; the international reserve means for accumulation of official and corporate currency reserves, population savings etc.Stability of the national currency used as world, is caused by competitiveness of national economy. On gross domestic product indicator per capita the USA 49 thousand dollars, advance the countries of a zone of euro 36 thousand dollars. Achievement of this important indicator of competitiveness needs further increase of labor productivity in euro zone where the southern countries considerably concede in the competition to the northern countries.High degree developed the financial market and a banking system is an important factor in strengthening of positions of world currency. It is noted also by the western experts. In particular, P. Hartmann, M. M. Habib and L.Strakka allocate a number of exponents of development of the financial market of the country issuer of world currency. Among them: quantitative indices of scales of the financial market, volume of assets, capitalization of stock market, tools, turn; quality indicators, quality of regulation, lack of barriers.

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